Thursday, March 12, 2009

Blog 21 - Working in Deweyville

One other new couple arrived in Deweyville on Saturday, which made 8couples at devotions Monday morning:

• Don and Marilyn Buller, the couple who dreamed up the idea of the MDS Senior RV Program,
• Art and Judy Catlin, the Project directors,
• our dear friend, Paul Stoltzfus, the Crew Foreman, and his wife, Mary,
• Walt and Pat Willems, who we worked with on three projects,
• Walt’s brother, Vern and his wife Diane, with whom we had worked in Newton in November,
• Dick and Kathy Neudorf, and
• the new people from Ohio, Howard and Barbara Quast,
• and the Brauns from P.A.

We had suggested to Paul that we might be available if they really needed us and were ready for drywalling at the time we were leaving Marble Falls. Shortly thereafter, Project Director, Art Catlin made the official request that if at all possible, they would REALLY appreciate us coming and helping with the drywall. So John agreed to give them 10 days, as we have to be home the middle of March.

It was obvious that they needed some help desperately in order to finish the house by the end of March when the project is to close. When we arrived at the house on Monday morning, we learned it was still not ready to be boarded and the gyproc had not yet been ordered. The electrical was still being worked on and the air conditioning vents were not yet installed in the ceilings. John did a board count and Art ordered the gyproc. In the meantime, we did what we could to assist in other areas. I helped Diane put up some railing on the front deck and Barb and I did some siding. John helped us get set up with siding on Monday and on Tuesday he put up the ceiling on the front deck. The gyproc arrived just before noon on Tuesday and the men had to unload it. You sure couldn’t tell John’s elbow is shot.

We were very happy to see the men arrive to do the air conditioning vents just after lunch. They were done in short order.

The house was cleared out of all the other paraphernalia so when the gyproc arrived it would be reading to start boarding.

Wednesday, the gyproc arrived and the guys unloaded it. John and I and Howard and Barbara immediately started boarding. When the first bedroom was boarded, I started taping it and the others carried on with the second bedroom and the rest of the rooms. It was necessary to work Friday and Saturday to “get ‘er done”. By Saturday afternoon, it was completed boarded and taped, with the first coat on the cornerbead.

On Friday, Mary and I had a lovely day. We went on a road trip, with several missions:

1) Pick up Mary’s prescription at Mauriceville
2) Check out the thrift shops at Kirbyville
3) Go to Lowe’s in Jasper to see if we could find John a cornerbead clincher (no luck)
4) Visit my cat lady friend, Patty, at Newton. We got to see the apartment she is moving to while she is having a new house built.

John intended to work on Sunday, but decided to take a rest.

Sunday afternoon, after church and lunch out, Judy, Kathy, Pat and I traveled over to the Vidor Flea Market. Now I didn’t have to whine and snivel that I didn’t get to it…. I came away with no purchases, but it was really interesting to look for the last hour of the day! I thought I might find myself a pair of cowboy boots or some other treasure. Didn’t find any treasures or boots…

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