Thursday, March 12, 2009

Blog 19 - Deweyville

Deweyville camp

Marble Falls camp

The site at Marble Falls was probably the nicest R.V. site we’ve had since volunteering with MDS. It was a lovely country setting by a lake. The trees around Marble Falls were short bushy green trees, the kind you could paint really easily in a painting by just plopping your paint brush onto paper. We really enjoyed that area of Texas, with the rolling hills and valleys. It was very scenic and great vacation country.

By contrast, Deweyville’s countryside is flat and almost boring. The landscape is similar to Prince Albert. There are some lovely large homes, but also a lot of very poor people living in shacks and dilapidated house trailers.

The Lord has generously provided parking here at the First Baptist Church. They are very generous in the use of their facilities, including washer and dryer and men’s and ladies’ washrooms and showers in the church building. One downer is that we have to put away every tool or board that we use in one day, and pull the tool trailer and the supply trailer back home, and then take it back and unload it the next day. At Marble Falls, we did pack everything back into the tool trailer, but it stayed on the building site during the week.

the congregation at the First Baptist Church has been HOME to many of our volunteers. We have never experienced a group being "plugged in" to a church the way this one has. They have developed some very sincere, long-lasting friendships.

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