Thursday, March 5, 2009

Blog 17 - Last weekend at Marble Falls

On Saturday, we and Len and Nettie went to Burnet, as they had not yet been there. John and Len went through the small Aircraft Museum while Nettie and I checked out the Flea Market at the Mall. The Christmas Café was closed by the time we got there.

On our way out of town, we noticed the sign alongside the road indicating that there was free music at the Seniors Hall, so we decided to stop in. They said that they had excellent guest musicians from Germany who were going to be performing later and we would have liked to have heard them; however, we had to get through the local musicians first and they were not very good, so we left.

On Sunday morning, we were all invited to attend the church of our choice. Some went to the Smoking for Jesus Church, some went to Anchors for Hope, and as it was our last Sunday there, we were finally going to get to the Cowboy Church down the road. Len and Nettie attended with us. It was a very nice service. Attendance was 54 people and 4 dogs. The 4 dogs have been regular attenders…

I would sure be interested to know how many people are reading this blog. Please drop me a line at our e-mail address to let me know if it is worthwhile doing it… Thanks.

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