Friday, July 8, 2011

June 20, 2011 Living Waters Gospel Jamboree

Despite rain, rain and more rain, we consider the Cowboy Church and Country Gospel Jamboree hosted by our Mennonite Church to be a great success. Bless you, all who attended! Our “Ultimate Christian Cowboy”, Larry Krause, did a wonderful job as host musician and we did at least get to enjoy some of the music in the sun on the lawn in the early part of the afternoon. The barn was pretty well full for the beautiful church service, and although we could see the rain coming down outside with the doors open out behind the preacher, we were warm and dry inside. “As I Went Down to the River to Pray” was one of the music choices sung by our church’s quartet, and it was a wonderful selection having regard to the Red River flowing right by behind the barn!

The children’s message resembled a Sunday School lesson and included the children’s song “The Wise Man Built His House upon a Rock”, which was the sermon content for the day. Although our pastor was not exactly comfortable in his “cowboy preacher” role, his message was very meaningful. We sang old songs with Larry leading, and before we knew it, it was time for lunch to be served. Pastor Ryan indicated the offering(s) and proceeds from dinner would be in aid of Mennonite Disaster Services to assist in funding the various projects underway due to disasters. There was a brief presentation by Ed Buhler from Aberdeen on behalf of Mennonite Disaster Service as to why donations are required.

Everyone seemed to enjoy the pulled pork dinner with beans and coleslaw, dessert and coffee. Good thing the food was readied in a large coverall building, as the rain was really coming down and people had to make the trip across the wet grass from the barn to the food, and then back to the barn to eat it.

When the jamboree music started at 2:00 p.m., the rain had quit, and the decision was made to begin the music outdoors. The lawn chairs came out and it was nice and sunny for a while, but then the clouds started threatening again, and after a couple of sets, they moved the equipment inside – a good decision, as it started pouring and we were all happy to be in out of the rain.

The rest of the program was inside and it was over by 5 o’clock. As cotton candy does not fare well in damp circumstances, we didn’t even start up the machine. A few ice cream cones were enjoyed while the folks were outside, but not nearly as many as we had hoped...

I felt moved to share with those in attendance, especially those who are regular readers of my weekly ramblings, that our 1962 T-Bird, the subject of a recent article, was stolen from our garage in the early mornings hours last Friday. It appeared to have been a carefully planned crime and our gorgeous car is probably long gone. Just a reminder that the things we have can disappear in a blink! I can retain my sanity by realizing there are much worse things that could happen, but it is still difficult to realize there are low-life people who could do such a thing! Our son got word of the theft onto Facebook immediately and we put out the word to as many friends and car acquaintances as possible, but the car has not been sighted. The RCMP came immediately, but there is probably not much they can do either…

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