Sunday, October 24, 2010

Shopper article leaving home for Nov. MDS posting


Most of the fall season projects with MDS Senior RV Program begin October 4, 2010. However, the project that we have been assigned to starts on November 1st. We will be returning to the “hill country” of Marble Falls, Texas. The RV site at Camp of the Hills, where we had parked in spring of 2009, was by far the most beautiful scenery of any we have encountered since we have been with the Senior RV Program.

This summer, we had learned of the disastrous fire which destroyed the beautiful main Lodge at the Camp of the Hills. Googling “Camp of the Hills” and seeing the structure in flames was horrific. The building was insured; however, the insurance will only cover a portion of the losses.

Camp of the Hills caters to inner city homeless street children, sponsored by various area churches. MDS has volunteered to provide the workers to build 3 new buildings to replace the Lodge. Formerly, the Lodge’s main floor housed the business office of the Camp Director (the only paid employee), washrooms and the huge dining hall and totally outfitted kitchens. We recall admiring the awesome gigantic rock fireplace in the dining hall which is now gone. Camp Counsellors’ quarters, which also housed a full storehouse of all sizes and types of clothing that young campers might require, were on the lower level, as well as the nursing station with closets full of all the laundry and cleaning supplies for the camp. They also lost all their audio-visual equipment and computers.

The website advises that despite the loss, with the help of a lot of people who had a heart for the camp, they were able to accommodate their campers this summer.

Here at home, all our yard work is done, garbage hauled to the dump, everything put away for winter, our annual little farewell party with our neighbours was enjoyed by all…we’re ready to leave a bit ahead of time. My Mom will enjoy another visit en route, and we also want to spend a couple of days with our favorite brother, Jake, in Brandon. He has been battling prostate cancer for 13 years now and his doctors cannot figure out why he is not in more pain, with what they see on his scans for the past year. He is a testimony as to how a positive attitude in such an illness can be your best asset. We expected him to be failing when we returned from the south earlier this year, and they were just returning from a Carribean cruise with their daughter! They were totally thrilled with the VIP treatment they got at every hand, using the “transporter chair” which allowed him to participate in all of the activities without tiring out his legs too much. He even went scuba diving for the first time in his 79 years.

It will be nice not to have to drive in snow going down. It should take 4 days to get to Jasper, Texas, where our RV is stored. We have allowed time to stop in the Beaumont area and visit some of our friends from our last term. Does Mr. John still live in his house? How is Miss Jane doing in the Alzheimers wing of the Nursing Home? The girls from the Ben Rogers Welcome Centre will certainly remember us! They were very hospitable about letting me use their telephone with my phone card. This year we have a Magic Jack telephone which can be used on the computer, with free long distance. It has worked out well.

Next week’s article will be done on the road. We hope you enjoy your trip as you share our travels.

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