Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Blog 8 - Work week Jan. 19, 2009

A couple of the men built some wonderful shelving in the area where the clothing is stored. In addition, they hung another rack for the “dress up clothing”. That made a lot more room to store everything in an orderly manner. When the shelving was completed, all the clothing was put back in, and now there was more than enough room.

This being completed, the ladies asked for and were given a new task at the camp. It was not sorting T-shirts and clothing this time, but (would you believe) sorting nuts, bolts, screws, nails and other assorted items including things we’d never seen before, in the CAMP WORKSHOP. One side was automotive and the other was construction. We could not believe that Mel would let women loose tidying up his workshop. It had probably never been done before and what a fine job we did! There were buckets of every size and description of nails and screws available. We will not say that they are sorted exactly in the correct manner, but what we did certainly tidied up the place! It was all swept out and vacuumed and cleaning done where it hadn’t been done before.

The men were doing odd jobs at the camp in anticipation of the clearing of Patricia’s lot after demolition of her house. Warren, the Project Director, and John, his crew foreman on this project, were busy finalizing arrangements for building, doing foundation plans and arrangements for permits.

Tuesday was Inauguration Day. A number of us came in to watch the inauguration on T.V. It was very moving to see a million Americans waving flags on Washington Square, the most hyp seen in American politics ever. We were wishing any of our Canadian politicians had as much common sense as Obama has – what is going on up in Canada is nothing to be proud of at all.

On Wednesday and Thursday, we had faspa in the afternoon when the work day was done. The sun was shining both days and some of the ladies had prepared goodies.

Monday they will begin work on Patricia’s house.

We had a pot luck supper on Tuesday night and invited Denise and Karen, the two local Recovery Committee volunteers, to come. Denise brought her four children. Warren started a fire in the beautiful fireplace in the dininghall and we ate our supper by the fire.
Afterwards, some of us visited and the rest played a rousing game of Mexican train dominoes. Good food and good fellowship.

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