Thursday, January 10, 2008

First week of work completed

The Americans are complaining that they are being outnumbered by Canadians on our site!! There's one couple from Michigan and our friends, Paul and Mary, from Pennsylvania. The Project managers, Jake and Verna, are from Portage La Prariie, there's a couple from Winkler, Mb, one from Gruenthal, Mb,. and us. They are good-natured about it though.

John, Paul and Maurice have been putting on soffiting and siding on a big house one mile from our RV park. Archie's house aka the house with the red room, is about 2 miles from our park. It is called that because his granddaughter and her baby will be living with him and she wanted her room painted red. It is really RED - all walls including the closet. It does have nice big windows though. Most of the votunteers do not care for the red room. I may be the only one who really likes it!

Archie is 91 years old and presently in the hospital in Port Arthur (P.A.) with pneumonia. We are praying that he will recuperate and be able to enjoy his new home. We really look forward to meeting him, as he is said to be quite the "old cowboy" and has stories till the cows come home. So far we have met his grandson, Ivan, who is quite a nice young fellow and is in charge of Archie's house.

Doreen and I painted all the baseboards at Archie's house on Wednesday. The other men have been screwing down the floors, levelling and sanding them getting ready for the flooring, which will all be lino. Doreen got to pick the out lino, as she has home-decorating talents. Apparently when the kitchen cupboards arrive we will be staining and varnishing them before installation.

Today, Thursday, it rained cats and dogs. Not a constant pelting rain, but just here and there. it was terribly socked in in the morning. The sky was clearing towards the end of the day, thank heaven. The grass is just saturated on the RV park.

We have not encountered any alligators yet. So far the mosquitoes have been moderate. But then, we have not had any real nice weather yet either.

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