Siding the house
Gift for Warren and Carol
Goodbye Sherm and LaVonne
Everyone was excited to get back to the work site after another LONG weekend.
John and his crew were busy stabilizing the trusses, sheathing the roof, finishing the skirting and carrying on with the siding. The roof was built over the front deck and both decks were finished, soffitting and fascia were started. After word last week that yet another MDS volunteer had fallen off the roof at Deweyville and broken his heal, safety was uppermost is our minds and thankfully the work proceeded with no casualties.
I helped finish painting the doors and door frame materials at the camp site work shop and on Thursday, they were picked up and taken to the job site where they would be assembled.
At one of our morning devotions recently, Warren had presented us each with a granite cross with Marble Falls printed on it as a token of his appreciation for the great crew we have.
It was agreed by our crew that we also sincerely appreciated his leadership as Project Director and that we would all throw in some money to get he and Carol a gift.
At Wednesday morning devotions, John presented the gift to Warren and Carol. As they are bird lovers, he had searched to find something appropriate. When we were at the antique and collectible stores in Gruene, a lovely “affordable” ceramic birdhouse caught his eye. Then he found a beautiful ceramic cardinal for Carol and a carved wood bird sitting on a log for Warren. Jim built an 8 sided base so we could each sign our names along the edge. John glued the birdhouse and the birds onto the base and it was a work of art. Warren and Carol were thrilled with it and said it was going to sit on the mantle in the “great room” in Albuquerque.
On Wednesday evening, we had a farewell supper for Sherman (Tank) and LaVonne (Short Stuff). Mary Anne and Pete made heart shaped waffles on their propane cooker and we each brought “accessories” – farmer sausage, vanilla sauce, syrup, strawberries, hot blueberry topping, whipped cream, and ice cream, No dessert needed for this meal!!! Joanne made a very nice “farewell” banner and drew a perfect likeness of their faces on it. She sure is a talented artist.
LaVonne had signed up to do devotions their last day here, but it proved more difficult than she had thought it would be. She picked my Grandma’s favorite hymn to sing although it has different words in the hymnal we were using – it was the old favorite “God Loves Me Dearly”. More than a few tears were shed by the time the devotion was over.
They pulled out after many hugs of goodbye and lots of tears. Who would’ve thought we could bond so closely in such a short time. LaVonne would have won the “Miss Congeniality” contest in our group. John called her “the real boss” in addition to “Short Stuff”. Sherman would always come out of their R.V. in the morning with a big welcoming grin and a HOWDY for everyone. We wished them God’s speed and sae traveling home to Ohio, and all look forward to working with them again some day.
As an aside, we have seen many ant hills at our camp site, but it is quite evident by the round holes all over the ground that the armadillos, which must come out at night, have been routing them out. Wish we could see them in action!!